2022-05-23【重要提醒】6/1 將刪除所有校友及空間用量超過 10GB 的教職員生之 G Suite 帳號

依據本中心 2/8 公告之「Google Workspace (G Suite) 教育版儲存空間政策異動之因應計畫」的作業時程,將於 6/1 刪除刪除所有校友帳號及空間用量超過 10GB 的教職員生帳號  (帳戶刪除後,其所屬資料將一併刪除且無法復原),請校友於 5/31 前完成剩餘資料之下載備份或轉移,請超量使用的教職員生於 5/31 前將空間用量清理至 10 GB 以內

若有特殊情況 (如用 G Suite 帳號綁定第三方的應用服務或註冊為銀行的聯絡信箱) 需保留帳號之校友,請於 5/31 前清空儲存空間後,再來信述明理由申請保留,本中心將審視情況後協助保留帳號僅供轉信服務

如有相關問題,歡迎 E-mail 至 helpdesk@ntnu.edu.tw 或撥打資訊中心服務電話:02-7749-3737(校內分機 3737) 洽詢。

All valid university accounts with storage space usage exceeding 10GB and all alumni accounts will be deleted on June 1.

According to the work schedule of the “Response Plan for Google Workspace Storage Policy Changes” announced by ITC on February 8, all valid university accounts with storage space usage exceeding 10GB and all alumni accounts will be deleted on June 1 (their associated data cannot be restored once deleted), please complete data download and backup before May 31.

Those alumni who need to keep their account in special situation  (such as using the G Suite account to bind a third-party application service or registering as a bank’s contact mailbox), please clear the storage space then email the reasons to apply for retaining account before May 31. Our center will review the situation and retain the account only for email forwarding service.

If you have any questions, please email to helpdesk@ntnu.edu.tw or call the information center service number: 02-7749-3737 (on-campus extension 3737) for consultation.