Authorized Anti-Virus Software

  • Each computer can install one anti-virus software only. It will be conflicted when two software are installed at the same time. Virus scan tool can be applied whenever it is necessary. To enhance computer security, virus scan tool can be executed manually.

Online Check Suspicious File

Online virus scan tool:  This tool can help to scan suspicious file to double check its safety.

Related Virus Protection Tools

  • Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - This tool is used to scan malicious program. It is free and can be used with other anti-virus software since it is not resided in the operating system.
  • Immunet - It is a free anti-virus software and has been approved by vendor which can co-exist with OfficeScan for more protection.
  • Process Explorer - This tool can be used to monitor the processes which may occupy the most computer resources.
  • CurrPorts (32-bit / 64-bit) - This tool can be used to check the computer network connections on your computer.
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