Computer room location:

  • Main campus: 4th floor of education building, four teaching classrooms (401~404),one free use room (405).
  • 10th floor of cmoplex building: one Mac room (1001).
  • Kung-Kuan campus: 7th & 8th floor of library building, three teaching classrooms (801, 802, 807),one free use room (806).
  • Linkuo campus: 2nd and 3rd floors of education building B2, three teaching classromms (201, 202, 301), free use room whenever classroom is available.

Open Hour and Computer amount in each room

    Open Hour:
    • Mon. - Sat.:08:00-22:00
    • Sun. & special holidays:08:00-17:00(01/01、02/28、10/10)
    • Linkuo Campus: no service at night and weekend,students can use library's computers during open hour.

    • will be announced in advacne.

    Computer Amount in each room:
    • Main campus: 401(70),402(60),403(40),404(30),405(30),1001(40)
    • Kung-Kuan campus: 801(65),802(40),806(40),807(70)
    • Linkuo campus: 201(40),202(40),301(45)

Eligible user

• The students and faculty members of the NTU System are allowed to use computer room including NTNU, National Taiwan University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
• NTNU student and faculty have higher priority to use facilities.
• NTNU student's extracurricular activities.
• Approved learning programs.
• Users must bring ID with you when using computer facilities.

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