Job title Name Phone E-mail Responsibilities Agent
Supervisor Pei-Hsiu Chien 7749-5540 Email Supervisor of the Division Pai-Li Chen
Systems Analyst Wen-Jie Ke 7749-3733 Email Maintenance of Information Security System Jack Lee
Systems Analyst Blue Chen 7749-3734 Email Management of Computer and Internet Facilities Jack Lee
Vice Systems Analyst PoHung Lin 7749-8627 Email Management of Computer and Internet Facilities in Linkuo Campus Tsu Ting Chang
Vice Systems Analyst Jack Lee 7749-3735 Email Management of Virtual Machine、Email and DNS Systems Wen-Jie Ke
Vice Systems Analyst Yu-Wei  Zou 7749-5562 Email R&D e-Learing system Tzung Shian Lin
System Engineer Kun-Yuan Lin 7749-5552 Email Management of Media Services and VPN System Yu-Wei  Zou
System Engineer Tsu Ting Chang 7749-6899 Email Management of Computer and Internet Facilities in Kung-Kuan Campus PoHung Lin
System Engineer Tzung Shian Lin 7749-3743 Email Smart Campus and Network Application System Development Yu-Wei  Zou
Project Staff Sing Yan Wang 7749-8635 Email Assistant of Management of Computer and Internet Facilities in Linkuo Campus PoHung Lin
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