Regular computer related classes are reserved for the whole semester determined by administration office. Other classes which need computer practice can apply short-term use one week in advance, including study course, social activity, etc., related linked as follow:

Eligible user

Eligible user
• The students and faculty members of the NTU System are allowed to use computer room including NTNU, National Taiwan University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
• NTNU student and faculty have higher priority to use facilities.
• NTNU student's extracurricular activities.
• Approved learning programs.
• Users must bring ID with you when using computer facilities.

Open Hour for Free Use

Main campus:Mon.~Fri.:08:00 ~ 22:00, Sat.:08:00 ~ 17:00.
Kung-Kuan campus:Mon.~Fri.:08:00 ~ 21:00, Sat.:08:00 ~ 17:00.
Linkuo campus:Mon.~Fri.:08:00 ~ 17:00, closed on weekend and holidays, students can use library's computers during open hour.

Specail days:
Open hour will be announced in advacne.

Use and Regulation

Links for applicaton and regulation:

Printing service

  • printing service is available at free use room area
  • charge fee: one dollar for A4 black & white, five dollars for A4 color, A3 size will double the price.
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