1. Lee, Y.-N. "Effective equation of state of a radiatively cooling gas. Self-similar solution of spherical collapse"
  2. Rani, Raffaele; Moore, Toby J. T.; Eden, David J.; Rigby, Andrew J.; Duarte-Cabral, Ana; Lee, Yueh-Ning "Identification of molecular clouds in emission maps: a comparison between methods in the 13CO/C18O (J = 3-2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey"
  3. Lombart, Maxime; Hutchison, Mark; Lee, Yueh-Ning "Fragmentation with discontinuous Galerkin schemes: non-linear fragmentation"
  4. Verliat, Antoine; Hennebelle, Patrick; González, Marta; Lee, Yueh-Ning; Geen, Sam "Influence of protostellar jets and HII regions on the formation and evolution of stellar clusters"
  5. Motte et al. "ALMA-IMF. I. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Introduction to the Large Program and first results"
  6. Lee, Y.-N., Marchand, P., Liu, Y.-H., Hennebelle, P., 2021/11 “Universal Protoplanetary Disk Size under Complete Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics: The Interplay between Ion-neutral Friction, Hall Effect, and Ohmic Dissipation” Apj,922,36
  7. Charnoz, Sébastien, Sossi, Paolo A., Lee, Yueh-Ning, Siebert, Julien, Hyodo, Ryuki, Allibert, Laetitia, Pignatale, Francesco C., Landeau, Maylis, Oza, Apurva V. , Moynier, Frédéric, 2021/08 “Tidal pull of the Earth strips the proto-Moon of its volatiles” Icarus,364, 114451
  8. Lee, Yueh-Ning, Charnoz, Sébastien ; Hennebelle, Patrick, 2021/04 “Protoplanetary disk formation from the collapse of a prestellar core”, A&A, 648, A101
  9. Zhao, B., Tomida, K., Hennebelle, P., Tobin, J.J., Maury, A., Hirota, T., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Kuiper, Rolf, R., Anna, Bhandare, A., Padovani, M., Lee, Y.-N., 2020/04 “Formation and Evolution of Disks Around Young Stellar Objects”, SSRv, 216, 43 (MOST 108-2636-M-003-001)
  10. Hennebelle, Patrick, Commerçon, Benoît, Lee, Yueh-Ning, Chabrier, Gilles, 2020/12 “What Is the Role of Stellar Radiative Feedback in Setting the Stellar Mass Spectrum?” ApJ, 904, 194
  11. Lee, Yueh-Ning; Offner, Stella S. R.; Hennebelle, Patrick; André, Philippe; Zinnecker, Hans; Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Kruijssen, J. M. Diederik "The Origin of the Stellar Mass Distribution and Multiplicity"
  12. Hennebelle, Patrick, Commerçon, Benoit, Lee, Yueh-Ning, Charnoz, Sébastien., 2020/03 “What determines the formation and characteristics of protoplanetary discs?”, A&A, 635, A67
  13. Hennebelle, P., Lee, Y.-N. & Charnoz, S., 2019/10 “How First Hydrostatic Cores, Tidal Forces, and Gravoturbulent Fluctuations Set the Characteristic Mass of Stars”,ApJ, 883,140
  14. Trevin ̃o-Morales, S. P., Fuente, A., S ́anchez-Monge, A ́., Kainulainen, J., Didelon, P., Suri, S., Schneider, N., Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Lee, Y. -N., Hennebelle, P., Pilleri, P., Gonz ́alez-Garc ́ıa, M., Kramer, C., Garc ́ıa-Burillo, S., Luna, A., Goicoechea, J. R., Tremblin, P., Geen, S., 2019/09 “Dynamics of cluster-forming hub-filament systems. The case of the high-mass star-forming complex Monoceros R2”, A&A, 629, A81
  15. Lee, Yueh-Ning; Hennebelle, Patrick "Stellar mass spectrum within massive collapsing clumps. III. Effects of temperature and magnetic field"

名稱 開始日期 結束日期 委託單位 編號 參與身份別
恆星初始質量函數--時空中的普遍性(5/5) 2023/08/01 2024/10/31 國科會 NSTC 112-2636-M-003-001 主持人
恆星初始質量函數--時空中的普遍性(4/5) 2022/08/01 2023/07/31 國科會 MOST 111-2636-M-003-002 主持人
110年度玉山青年學者 2021/08/01 2022/07/31 教育部 主持人
恆星初始質量函數--時空中的普遍性(3/5) 2021/08/01 2022/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 110-2636-M-003-001 主持人
國家理論科學研究中心運作計畫V-I 物理領域(1/5) 2021/01/01 2021/12/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 110-2124-M-002-012 - 協同/共同主持人
109年度玉山青年學者 2020/08/01 2021/11/30 教育部 主持人
恆星初始質量函數--時空中的普遍性(2/5) 2020/08/01 2022/01/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 109-2636-M-003-001 主持人
108年度玉山青年學者 2019/08/01 2020/10/31 教育部 主持人
恆星初始質量函數--時空中的普遍性(1/5) 2019/08/01 2020/12/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 108-2636-M-003-001 主持人

  1. Pineda, J. E.; Arzoumanian, D.; Andre, P.; Friesen, R. K.; Zavagno, A.; Clarke, S. D.; Inoue, T.; Chen, C.; Lee, Y.; Soler, J. D.; Kuffmeier, M. "From Bubbles and Filaments to Cores and Disks: Gas Gathering and Growth of Structure Leading to the Formation of Stellar Systems"