1. Hwang, M. Y., Hong, J. C.*, Tai, K. H., Chen, J. T., & Timothy, G. (2020). The relationship between online social anxiety, perceived information overload and fatigue, and job engagement in civil servant users of LINE. Government Information Quarterly, 37(1), 101423.
  2. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., Lin. P. H., & Lin, P. C. (2020). Learning progress in a Chinese order of stroke game: The effects of intrinsic cognitive load and gameplay interest mediated by flow experience. Journal of Educational Computing Research,58(4), 842-862.
  3. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Lin, P. H. (2019). Improving cognitive certitude with calibration mediated by cognitive anxiety, online learning self-efficacy and interest in learning Chinese pronunciation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67(3), 597-615.
  4. Hwang, M. Y., Hong, J. C.*, Ye, J. H., Wu, Y. F., Tai, K. H., & Kiu, M. C. (2019) Practicing abductive reasoning: The correlations between cognitive factors and learning effects. Computers & Education, 138, 33-45.
  5. Hwang, M. Y., Hong, J. C.*, & Hao, Y. W. (2018). The value of CK, PK, and PCK in professional development programs predicted by the progressive beliefs of elementary school teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4), 448-462.
  6. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H, & Lin, P. H. (2017). Intrinsic motivation of Chinese learning in predicting online learning self-efficacy and flow experience relevant to students’ learning progress. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30(6), 552-574.
  7. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Tsai, C. R. (2017). An exploration of students’ science learning interest related to their cognitive anxiety, cognitive load, self-confidence and learning progress using inquiry-based learning with an iPad. Research in Science Education, 47(6), 1193-1212.
  8. Hong, J. C., Tai, K. H.*, Hwang, M. Y., & Kuo, Y. C. (2016). Internet cognitive failure affects learning progress as mediated by cognitive anxiety and flow while playing a Chinese antonym synonym game with interacting verbal-analytical and motor-control. Computers & Education, 100, 32-44.
  9. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Szeto, S. Y. E., Tsai, C. R., Kuo, Y. C.,& Hsu, W. Y. (2016). Internet cognitive failure relevant to self-efficacy, learning interest, and satisfaction with social media learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 214-222.
  10. Hong, J. C., Tsai, C. R.*, Fan-Chiang, C., & Hwang, M. Y. (2016). Mindfulness in learning safe sex via social media- Perspectives of personality and experiential value. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 337-346.
  11. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Kuo, Y. C. (2016). Parental monitoring predicts students’ prosocial and impulsive tendencies relevant to consequence- based reasoning in a blended learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1534-1551.
  12. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Kuo, Y. C. (2016). Crystallized intelligence affects hedonic and epistemic values to continue playing a game with saliency-based design. Computers & Education, 95, 75-84.
  13. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Wu, N. C., Huang, Y. L., Lin, P. H., & Chen, Y. L. (2016). Integrating a moral reasoning game in a blended learning setting: Effects on students’ interest and performance. Interactive Learning Environments.
  14. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Szeto, E., Tai, K. H., & Tsai, C. R.* (2016). Positive affect relevant to epistemic curiosity to reflect continuance intention to join a hands-on making contest. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(9), 2267-2279.
  15. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Liu, Y. T., Lin, P. H., & Chen, Y. L. (2016). The role of pre-game learning attitude in the prediction to competitive anxiety, perceived utility of pre-game learning of game and gameplay interest. Interactive Learning Environments
  16. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Chang, S. W., Tai, K. H., Kuo, Y. C., & Tsai, Y. H. (2015) Internet cognitive failure and fatigue relevant to learners’self-regulation and learning progress in English vocabulary with a calibration scheme. Journal of Computer Aassisted Learning.
  17. Hong, J. C., Lu, C. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Kuo, Y. C., Wang, T. T., & Chou, C. Y. (2015). Larvae phobia relevant to anxiety and disgust reflected to the enhancement of learning interest and self-confidence. Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 147-152.
  18. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Hsu, C. H., Tai, K. H., & Kuo, Y. C. (2015). Belief in dangerous virtual communities as a predictor of continuance intention mediated by general and online social anxiety: The Facebook perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 663-670.
  19. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Lin, P. C. (2015). Self-efficacy relevant to competitive anxiety and gameplay interest in the one-on-one competition setting. Educational Technology Research & Development, 63, 791-807.
  20. Hong, J.C., Lin, M.P., Hwang, M.Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Kuo, Y. C. (2015). Comparing animated and static modes in educational gameplay on user interest, performance and gameplay anxiety. Computers & Education, 88, 109-118.
  21. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Liao, S., Lin, C. S., Pan, Y. C., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Scientific reasoning correlated to altruistic traits in an inquiry learning platform: Autistic vs. realistic reasoning in science problem-solving practice. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 26-36.
  22. Hong, J. C., Lin, C. H., Hwang, M. Y.*, Hu, R. P., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Positive affect prediction worker psychological response to cyber-bullying in the high-tech industry in Northern Taiwan. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 307-314.
  23. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tai, K. H., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Using calibration to enhance students’ self-confidence in English vocabulary learning relevant to their judgment of over-confidence and predicted by smartphone self-efficacy and English learning anxiety. Computer & Education, 72, 313-322.
  24. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Liu, M. C., Ho, H. Y., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Using a "prediction-observation- explanation" inquiry model to enhance student interest and intention to continue science learning predicted by their internet cognitive failure. Computers & Education, 72, 110-120.
  25. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Chen, Y. J., Lin, P. H., Huang, Y. T., & Lee, C. C. (2013). Using the saliency-based model to design a digital archaeological game to motivate players' intention to visit the digital archives of Taiwan's natural science museum. Computers & Education, 66, 74-82.
  26. Hwang, M. Y., Hong, J. C. *, Cheng, H. Y., Peng, Y. C., &Wu, N. C. (2013).Gender differences in cognitive load and competition anxiety affect 6th grade students’ attitude toward playing and intention to play at a sequential or synchronous game. Computers & Education, 60, 254-263.
  27. Hong, J. C., Lu, C. C., Wang, J. L., Liao, S., Wu, M. R., Hwang, M. Y.*, & Lin, P. H. (2013). Gender and prior science achievement affect categorization on a procedural learning task. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 92-101.
  28. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Chen, W. C., Lee, C. C., Lin, P. H., & Chen, Y. L. (2013). Comparing the retention and flow experience in playing Solitary and Heart Attack games of San Zi Jing: A perspective of Dual Process Theory. Computers & Education, 69, 369-376.
  29. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, & Tai, K. H. (2013). Applying the BaGua to revitalize the creative problem solving process during a goal oriented contest. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 9, 120-128.
  30. Hong, J. C., Chen, M. Y.*, & Hwang, M. Y.
  31. Hong, J. C., Tsai, C. M., Ho, Y. J., Hwang, M. Y.*, & Wu, C. J. (2013). A comparative study of the learning effectiveness of a blended and embodied interactive video game for kindergarten students. Interactive Learning Environments, 21(1), 39-53.
  32. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Chen,Y. J., Chen, M. Y., & Liu, L. C. (2012). Using eight trigrams (BaGua) approach with epistemological practice to vitalize problem-solving processes: A confirmatory analysis of R&D managers. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 7, 187-197.
  33. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Tam, K. P., Lai, Y. H., & Liu, L. C. (2012). Effects of cognitive style on digital jigsaw puzzle performance: A GridWare analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 920-928.
  34. Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y.*, Hsu, H. F., Wong, W. T., & Chen, M. Y. (2011). Applying the technology acceptance model in a study of the factors affecting usage of the Taiwan digital archives system. Computers & Education, 57, 2086-2094.
  35. Hwang, M. Y., Hong, J. C., Hao, Y. W., & Jong, J. T. (2011). Elders’ usability, dependability, and flow experience on embodied interactive video games. Educational Gerontology, 37(8), 715-731.

名稱 開始日期 結束日期 委託單位 編號 參與身份別
探索自然:昆蟲飼養繪圖記(2/2) 2018/08/01 2019/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 106-2511-S-003 -028 -MY2
探索自然:昆蟲飼養繪圖記(1/2) 2017/08/01 2018/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 106-2511-S-003 -028 -MY2 主持人
科學聯想學習遊戲App(2/2) 2017/08/01 2018/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 105-2511-S-003-019-MY2 主持人
科學聯想學習遊戲App(1/2) 2016/08/01 2017/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 105-2511-S-003-019-MY2 主持人
應用擴增實境之科學學習遊戲App 2015/08/01 2016/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 104-2511-S-003-004 主持人
產學合作計畫-動畫說漢字 2015/06/01 2016/05/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 104-2622-S-003-002 -CC3│ 主持人
庭園科學學習遊戲App 2014/08/01 2015/07/31 國科會 MOST103-2511-S-003-017 主持人
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以科學好奇心為本建構自然物特徵辨識能力之網路遊戲學習平台(1/2) 2011/08/01 2012/07/31 國科會 100-2511-S-003-023- 主持人
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互動視訊web2.0 科學學習平台建構與應用性實證研究-以認知負荷理論探討互動視訊的資訊呈現之效益研究(2/3) 2010/08/01 2011/07/31 國科會 98-2511-S-003-036-MY3 總主持人
民眾對網路健康資訊之批判思考技能之研究 ( 公眾對科技的理解及參與)(3/3) 2010/08/01 2011/07/31 國科會 97-2515-S-003-016-MY3 總主持人
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民眾對網路健康資訊之批判思考技能之研究 ( 公眾對科技的理解及參與)(2/3) 2009/08/01 2010/07/31 國科會 97-2515-S-003-016-MY3 總主持人
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