1. Wang, C.-C., and V. D. Nguyen*, 2023: Investigation of an extreme rainfall event during 8-12 December 2018 over central Vietnam. Part I: Analysis and cloud-resolving simulation. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 771-788, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-23-771-2023.
  2. Wang, C.-C.*, T.-Y. Yeh, C.-S. Chang, M.-S. Li, K. Tsuboki, and C.-H. Liu, 2023: A modeling study of an extreme rainfall event along the northern coast of Taiwan on 2 June 2017. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 501-521, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-501-2023.
  3. Pu, C.-P., C.-C. Wang *, 2023: The Correspondence between Large Pressure Fluctuations and Runway Wind Shear: The Event on 12 December 2019 at Songshan Airport, Taipei. Atmosphere 2023, 14(12), 1773; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14121773
  4. 蒲金標*與王重傑,2023:2019年11月7日松山機場氣壓大波動與跑道風切之個案分析研究。氣象學報,58(1),49-62。
  5. Wang, C.-C., S.-H. Chen, Y.-H. Chen*, H.-C. Kuo, J. H. Ruppert, Jr., and K. Tsuboki, 2023: Cloud-resolving time-lagged rainfall ensemble forecasts for typhoons in Taiwan: Examples of Saola (2012), Soulik (2013), and Soudelor (2015). Wea. Clim. Extremes, 40, 100555, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2023.100555.
  6. Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, C. M. Fine, and C.-C. Wang, 2023: Effects of the topography of Sumatra on tropical cyclone formation over the Indian Ocean. Mausam, 74, 389-396.
  7. Wang, C.-C.*, C.-H. Tsai, B. J.-D. Jou, S. J. David, S.-Y. Huang, Y.-W. Wang, and A. G. Pura, 2023: A comparison study between the use of single-point versus areal-mean rainfall values from a high-resolution model when verified against satellite retrievals for three typhoons hitting the Philippines. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 135, 49, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00703-023-00985-y.
  8. Wang, C.-C., Y.-H. Chen*, Y.-Y. Lan, and W.-Y. Chang, 2023: An evaluation of simulated cloud microphysical characteristics of three Mei-yu rainfall systems in Taiwan by a cloud-resolving model using dual-polarimetric radar observations. Remote Sensing, 15, 4651, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15194651.
  9. Wang, C.-C.*, W.-K. Soong, C.-W. Chien, C.-S. Chang, and S.-Y. Huang, 2023: Eight-day typhoon quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan by the 2.5 km CReSS model, Part II: Reduced control of track errors on rainfall prediction quality for typhoons associated with southwesterly flow. Atmosphere, 14, 1047, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos 14061047.
  10. Wang, C.-C.*, H.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Chen, S.-H. Chen, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: A decade after Typhoon Morakot (2009): What have we learned about its physics and predictability? Wea. Forecasting, 37, 2161-2181, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-21-0197.1
  11. 陳鑫澔與王重傑*,2022:利用機器學習建立西行侵臺颱風定量降水預報品質的客觀指引。大氣科學,50,78-125。
  12. Wang, C.-C.*, C.-H. Tsai, B. J.-D. Jou, and S. J. David, 2022: Time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for three landfalling typhoons in the Philippines using the CReSS Model, Part I: Description and verification against rain-gauge observations. Atmosphere, 13, 1193, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13081193
  13. Wang, C.-C., J.-P. Hou*, C.-H. Tseng, P.-L. Chang, and D.-I. Lee, 2022: Study of an asymmetric and anticyclonic bow echo near Taiwan. Atmosphere, 13, 331, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13020331
  14. Wang, C.-C., S. Paul, S.-Y. Huang*, Y.-W. Wang, K. Tsuboki, D.-I. Lee, and J.-S. Lee, 2022: Typhoon quantitative precipitation forecasts by the 2.5 km CReSS model in Taiwan: Examples and role of topography. Atmosphere, 13, 623, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos 13040623
  15. Wang, C.-C., S.-H. Chen*, K. Tsuboki, S.-Y. Huang, and C.-S. Chang, 2022: Application of time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for Typhoon Morakot (2009) in Taiwan by a cloud-resolving model. Atmosphere, 13, 585, https://doi.org/10.3390/ atmos13040585
  16. Wang, C.-C., P.-Y. Chuang*, C.-S. Chang, K. Tsuboki, S.-Y. Huang, and G.-C. Leu, 2022: Evaluation of mei-yu heavy-rainfall quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan by a cloud-resolving model for three seasons of 2012-2014. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 23-40, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-22-23-2022.
  17. Wang, C.-C.*, C.-Y. Lee, B. J.-D. Jou, C. P. Celebre, S. David, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: High-resolution time-lagged ensemble prediction for landfall intensity of Super Typhoon Haiyan (2013) using a cloud-resolving model. Wea. Clim. Extremes, 37, 100473, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2022.100473.
  18. Wang, C.-C., P.-Y. Chuang*, S.-T. Chen, D.-I. Lee, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: Idealized simulations of Mei-yu rainfall in Taiwan under uniform southwesterly flow using a cloud-resolving model. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 1795-1817, https://doi.org/ 10.5194/nhess-22-1795-2022.
  19. Wang, C.-C.*, C.-H. Tsai, B. J.-D. Jou, and S. J. David, A. G. Pura, D.-I. Lee, K. Tsuboki, and J.-S. Lee, 2022: Time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for three landfalling typhoons in the Philippines using the CReSS Model, Part II: Verification using Global Precipitation Measurement Retrievals. Remote Sensing, 14, 5126, https://doi.org/ 10.3390/rs14205126.
  20. Paul, S., C.-C. Wang*, L.-S. Tseng, D.-I. Lee, J.-S. Hong, and T.-M. Leou, 2021: Evaluation of rainfall forecasts by three mesoscale models during the Mei-yu season of 2008 in Taiwan. Part I: Subjective comparison. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 57(4), 817-838.
  21. Wang, A.-H., C.-C. Wang*, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2021: A study on synoptic conditions leading to the extreme rainfall in Taiwan during 10-12 June 2012. Atmosphere, 12, 1255, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12101255.
  22. Wang, C.-C., C.-S. Chang*, Y.-W. Wang, C.-C. Huang, S.-C. Wang, Y.-S. Chen, K. Tsuboki, S.-Y. Huang, S.-H. Chen, P.-Y. Chuang, and H. Chiu, 2021: Evaluating quantitative precipitation forecasts using the 2.5 km CReSS model for typhoons in Taiwan: An update through the 2015 season. Atmosphere, 12, 1501, https://doi.org/ 10.3390/atmos12111501.
  23. Wang, C.-C., Y.-H. Chen*, M.-C. Li, H.-C. Kuo, and K. Tsuboki, 2021: On the separation of upper and low-level centres of tropical storm Kong-Rey (2013) near Taiwan in association with asymmetric latent heating. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 147, 1135-1149, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3963.
  24. Wang, C.-C., T.-C. Lin, K. Tsuboki*, Y.-M. Tsai, and D.-I. Lee, 2021: A modeling study of rainbands upstream from western Japan during the approach of Typhoon Tokage (2004). Atmosphere, 12, 1242.
  25. Wang, C.-C.*, M.-S. Li, C.-S. Chang, P.-Y. Chuang, S.-H. Chen, and K. Tsuboki, 2021: Ensemble-based sensitivity analysis and predictability of an extreme rainfall event over northern Taiwan in the Mei-yu Season: The 2 June 2017 Case. Atmos. Res., 259, 105684, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105684.
  26. Wang, C.-C., K.-Y. Lin, C. A. Davis, S.-Y. Huang*, S. C.-S. Liu, K. Tsuboki, and B. J.-D. Jou, 2020: A modeling study on the impacts of Typhoon Morakot’s (2009) vortex structure on rainfall in Taiwan using piecewise potential vorticity inversion. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 707-733, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2020-036.
  27. Wang, C., Ma, S., and Johnson, R. H. (2020). A Numerical Study on the Influences of Sumatra Topography and Synoptic Features on Tropical Cyclone Formation over the Indian Ocean. Monthly Weather Review 148, 7, 2777-2799
  28. Wang, C.-C.; Paul, S.; Lee, D.-I. Evaluation of Rainfall Forecasts by Three Mesoscale Models during the Mei-Yu Season of 2008 in Taiwan. Part III: Application of an Object-Oriented Verification Method. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 705. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11070705
  29. Wang, C.-C.*, S. Paul, and D.-I. Lee, 2020: Evaluation of rainfall forecasts by three mesoscale models during the Mei-yu season of 2008 in Taiwan. Part II: Development of an object-oriented method. Atmosphere, 11, 939, doi:10.3390/atmos11090939.
  30. Wang C-C, Tseng L-S, Huang C-C, et al. How much of Typhoon Morakot’s extreme rainfall is attributable to anthropogenic climate change? Int J Climatol. 2019;1–11. https://doi. org/10.1002/joc.6030
  31. Kuo, H.-C., S. Tsujino, C.-C. Huang, C.-C. Wang*, and K. Tsuboki, 2019: Diagnosis of the dynamic efficiency of latent heat release and the rapid intensification of Supertyphoon Haiyan (2013). Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1127-1147, doi: 10.1175/ MWR-D-18-0149.1.
  32. Wang, C.-C., N.-C. Su, J.-P. Hou*, and D.-I. Lee, 2018: Evaluation of the 2.5-km Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator in predicting local afternoon convection during the summer in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 489-498, doi: 10.1007/s13143-018- 0054-7.
  33. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen*, C.-H. Ngai, and K. Tsuboki, 2018: Case study of a morning convective rainfall event over southwestern Taiwan in the mei-yu season under weak synoptic conditions. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 96, 461-484, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2018-051.
  34. Paul, S., C.-C. Wang*, F.-C. Chien, and D.-I. Lee, 2018: An evaluation of WRF Mei-yu rainfall forecasts in Taiwan during 2008-2010: Differences in elevation and sub-regions. Meteorol. Appl., 25, 269-282.
  35. Wang, C.-C., S. Paul*, F.-C. Chien, D.-I. Lee, and P.-Y., Chuang, 2017: An evaluation of WRF rainfall forecasts in Taiwan during three mei-yu seasons from 2008 to 2010. Wea. Forecasting, 32, 1329-1351.
  36. Chen, Y.-H., H.-C. Kuo*, C.-C. Wang, and Y.-T. Yang, 2017: Influence of southwest monsoon flow and typhoon track on Taiwan rainfall during the exit phase: Modeling study of Typhoon Morakot (2009). Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 143 (B), 3014-3024, doi: 10.1002/qj.3156.
  37. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee*, and UC.-C. WangU, 2016: Impact of cold pool on mesoscale convective system produced extreme rainfall over southeastern South Korea: 7 July 2009. Mon. Wea. Rev.
  38. Wang, C.-C., S.-Y. Huang, S.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chang, and K. Tsuboki, 2016: Paper of notes: Cloud-resolving, time-lagged typhoon rainfall ensemble forecasts. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  39. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee*, UC.-C. WangU, and I.-S. Han, 2016: Characteristics of mesoscale- convective-system-produced extreme rainfall over southeastern South Korea: 7 July 2009. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 927-939.
  40. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen*, and K.-H. Ho, 2015: A diagnostic case study of mei-yu frontal retreat and associated low development near Taiwan. (under review, Mon. Wea. Rev., IF = 3.358 [14/77] in 2014)
  41. Wang, C.-C.*, B.-K. Chiou, G. T.-J. Chen, H.-C. Kuo, and C.-H. Liu, 2016: A numerical study of back-building process in a quasi-stationary rainband with extreme rainfall over northern Taiwan during 11-12 June 2012. Atmos. Chem. Phys.
  42. Wang, C.-C.*, 2016: Paper of notes: The more rain from typhoons, the better the models perform. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. (accepted, IF = 11.808 [2/77] in 2014)
  43. Wang, C.-C.*, 2016: Corrigendum. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 3031-3033.
  44. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee*, C.-C. Wang, and I.-S. Han, 2015: Dominant processes of extreme rainfall-producing mesoscale convective system over southeastern Korea: 7 July 2009 case, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 3, 6459-6489, doi:10.5194/ nhessd-3-6459-2015. (Oct)
  45. Wang, C.-C.*, B.-K. Chiou, G. T.-J. Chen, and H.-C. Kuo, 2015: A numerical study of back-building process in a quasi-stationary rainband with extreme rainfall over northern Taiwan during 11-12 June 2012. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 32679-32722, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/15/32679/2015/, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-32679- 2015.
  46. 張鳳茹,黃婉如*及王重傑,2015:長期氣候變遷對長江流域暖季東移雨帶的影響與評估:以2009年5月為例。大氣科學,43,265-284。(Dec)
  47. Wang. C.-C.*, B.-X. Lin, C.-T. Chen, and S.-H. Lo, 2015: Quantifying the effects of long-term climate change on tropical cyclone rainfall using cloud-resolving models: Examples of two landfall typhoons in Taiwan. J. Climate (in press, SCI, IF = 4.904 [6/76] in 2013)
  48. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo*, R. H. Johnson, C.-Y. Lee, S.-Y. Huang, and Y.-H. Chen, 2015: A numerical study of convection in rainbands of Typhoon Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall: Roles of pressure perturbations with low-level wind maxima. (under review, Atmos. Chem. Phys., SCI, IF = 5.298 [3/76] in 2013)
  49. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo*, R. H. Johnson, C.-Y. Lee, S.-Y. Huang, and Y.-H. Chen, 2015: A numerical study of convection in rainbands of Typhoon Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall: Roles of pressure perturbations with low-level wind maxima. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 8479-8523, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/15/8479/2015/, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-8479-2015. (Mar, MOST-103-2119-M-003-001-MY2)
  50. Wang, C.-C.*, 2015: The more rain, the better the model performs---The dependency of quantitative precipitation forecast skill on rainfall amount for typhoons in Taiwan. Mon. Wea. Rev. (accepted, SCI, IF = 3.616 [14/76] in 2013)
  51. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee*, C.-C. Wang, S.-M. Jang, S.-H. Park, and S.-A. Jung, 2014: Structure and evolution of line-shaped convective systems associated with Changma front during GRL PHONE-09: 6 July 2009 case. Meteorol. Appl., 21, 786-794, doi: 10.1002/met.1418. (SCI, Jul, IF = 1.518 [45/76] in 2013,  = 0)
  52. Wang, C.-C.*, 2014: Interactive comment on “Comparison of the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation for East Asia vs. North America downstream of the Tibetan Plateau vs. the Rocky Mountains” by Y. Zhang et al. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, C1-C4, 2014, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/14/C1/2014/. (non-SCI, Jun)
  53. Wang, C.-C.*, J. C.-S. Hsu, G. T.-J. Chen, and D.-I. Lee, 2014: A study of two propagating heavy-rainfall episodes near Taiwan during SoWMEX/TiMREX IOP-8 in June 2008. Part I: Synoptic evolution, episode propagation, and model control simulation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 2619-2643. (SCI, Aug, NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3, NSC-102- 2119-M-003-003, IF = 3.616 [14/76] in 2013,  = 1)
  54. Wang, C.-C.*, J. C.-S. Hsu, G. T.-J. Chen, and D.-I. Lee, 2014: A study of two propagating heavy-rainfall episodes near Taiwan during SoWMEX/TiMREX IOP-8 in June 2008. Part II: Sensitivity tests on the roles of synoptic conditions and topographic effects. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 2644-2664. (SCI, Aug, NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3, NSC-102-2119-M-003-003, IF = 3.616 [14/76] in 2013,  = 1)
  55. Wang, C.-C.*, 2014: On the calculation and correction of equitable threat score for model quantitative precipitation forecasts for small verification areas: The example of Taiwan. Wea. Forecasting, 29, 788-798. (SCI, Aug, NSC-101-2625-M-003-001, NSC-102-2625- M-003-002, NSC-102-2119-M-003-003, IF = 1.606 [43/76] in 2013,  = 0)
  56. Wang, C.-C.*, and B.-X. Lin, 2013: Effects of long-term climate change on a rainy typhoon near Taiwan. ACTS newsletter, 3(3), 3-7. (non-SCI, Sep)
  57. Wang, C.-C.*, Y.-H. Chen, H.-C. Kuo, and S.-Y. Huang, 2013: Sensitivity of typhoon track to asymmetric latent heating/rainfall induced by Taiwan topography: A numerical study of Typhoon Fanapi (2010). J. Geophys. Res., 118(D8), 3292-3308, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50351. (SCI, Apr, NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3, NSC-101-2625-M-003-001, IF = 3.440[24/173],  = 3)
  58. Wang, C.-C.*, H.-C. Kuo, T.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Chung, Y.-H. Chen, S.-Y. Huang, Y.-W. Wang, and C.-H. Liu, 2013: High-resolution quantitative precipitation forecasts and simulations by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) for Typhoon Morakot (2009). J. Hydrol., 506, 26-41, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.02.018 (SCI, Dec, NSC-99- 2111-M-003-004-MY3, NSC-100-2625-M-003-002, NSC-101-2625-M-003-001, IF = 2.693 [6/124],  = 5)
  59. Wang, C.-C., C.-Y. Kung, C.-S. Lee*, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2012: Development and evaluation of Mei-yu season quantitative precipitation forecast in Taiwan river basins based on a conceptual climatology model. Wea. Forecasting, 27, 586-607. (SCI, Jun, NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3; NSC-99-2111-M-002-007-MY3, IF = 1.860 [33/74],  = 0)
  60. Wang, M. Y.-M., G. T.-J. Chen, C.-C. Wang*, and Y.-H. Kuo, 2012: A case study of the cutoff process and latent heating effect in an upper-level cold-core low during the Mei-yu season in East Asia. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 1725-1747. (SCI, Jun, NSC-99-2111-M-003- 004-MY3; NSC-100-2625-M-003-002; NSC-100-2119-M-002-010; NSC-100-2625-M- 002-001, IF = 2.758 [20/74],  = 0)
  61. Wang, C.-C.*, H.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Chen, H.-L. Huang, C.-H. Chung, and K. Tsuboki, 2012: Effects of asymmetric latent heating on typhoon movement crossing Taiwan: The case of Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 3172-3196. (SCI, Nov, NSC-99- 2111-M-003-004-MY3; NSC-101-2625-M-003-001, IF = 2.672 [24/74],  = 10)
  62. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee*, C.-C. Wang, S.-M. Jang, C.-H. You, and M. Jang, 2012: Environment and morphology of mesoscale convective systems associated with the Changma front during 9-10 July 2007. Ann. Geophys., 30, 1235-1248, doi:10.5194/ angeo-30-1235-2012. (SCI, Aug, IF = 1.518 [43/74],  = 4)
  63. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen*, H.-L. Huang, R. E. Carbone, and S.-W. Chang, 2012: Synoptic conditions associated with propagating and non-propagating cloud/rainfall episodes during the warm season over the East Asian continent. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 721-747. (SCI, Mar, NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3; NSC-100-2625-M-003-002; NSC- 100-2119-M-002-010; NSC-100-2625-M-002-001, IF = 2.758 [20/74],  = 7)
  64. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen*, and S.-Y. Huang, 2011: Remote trigger of deep convection by cold outflow over the Taiwan Strait in the Mei-yu season: A modeling study of the 8 June 2007 case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 2854-2875. (SCI, Sep, NSC-99-2111-M-003- 004-MY3; NSC-100-2625-M-003-002; NSC-100-2119-M-002-010; NSC-100-2625-M- 002-001, IF = 2.688 [18/71],  = 7)
  65. Wang, C.-C.*, H.-L. Huang, J.-L. Li, T.-M. Leou, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2011: An evaluation on the performance of the CWB NFS model in the prediction of warm-season rainfall distribution and propagation over the East Asian continent. Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. (TAO), 22, 49-69, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.07.13.01(A). (SCI, Feb, NSC-96-2111-M-002- 010-MY3; NSC-97-2111-M-003-005-MY2; NSC-99-2111-M-003-004-MY3; NSC-99-2111- M-002-001, IF = 0.883 [58/71])
  66. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen*, and R. E. Carbone, 2011: The relationship between statistics of warm-season cloud episodes and synoptic weather regimes over the East Asian continent. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 112, 117-124, doi: 10.1007/s00703-011-0123-2.
  67. Huang, H.-L., C.-C. Wang*, G. T.-J. Chen, and R. E. Carbone, 2010: The role of diurnal solenoidal circulation on propagating rainfall episodes near the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 2975-2989. (SCI, Jul, NSC-96-2111-M-002-010-MY3; NSC-97- 2111-M-003-005-MY2; NSC-98-2625-M-003-002, IF = 2.348 [18/68],  = 16)

  1. Wang, C.-C., L. Tseng, C.-C. Huang, and B.-X. Lin, 2015: Quantifying the effects of long-term climate change on typhoon rainfall near Taiwan using a cloud-resolving model. Fifth International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 9-14 June 2015, Chania, Crete, Greece, Abstract 8.
  2. Chen, C.-T., S.-H. Lo, and C.-C. Wang, 2014: Assessing possible anthropogenic contributions to the rainfall extremes associated with Typhoon Morakot (2009). AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, Session U015.
  3. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, and C.-C. Wang, 2014: An extreme rainfall-producing quasi-stationary mesoscale convective system associated with Changma front on 7 July 2009: Numerical simulation. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 September 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 6.4.
  4. Wang, C.-C., 2014: The use of Equitable Threat Score for model quantitative precipitation forecasts over small verification areas: Its issue and correction. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 September 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, P1.5.
  5. Wang, C.-C., 2014: The dependency of quantitative precipitation forecasts skill on rainfall amount for typhoons in Taiwan by the 2.5-km CReSS model. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 September 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 10.4.
  6. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2014: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing, The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 September 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, P1.2.
  7. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2014: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing. 2014 Conference of Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 16-18 September 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, A2-49.
  8. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Real-time cloud-resolving (2.5 km) typhoon forecasts for Taiwan using the CReSS model and the evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecasts. AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014, Sapporo, Japan, AS34-A024, 103. (MOST-103-2119-M-003-001-MY2)
  9. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and C.-Y. Lee, 2014: Pressure perturbations associated with convective cells in rain-bands of Typhoon Morakot (2009). AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014, Sapporo, Japan, AS34-A025, 102. (invited, MOST-103-2119-M- 003-001-MY2)
  10. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Cloud-resolving quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) for Taiwan: Model evaluation, characteristics, and implications. The first International Summit on Tornadoes and Climate Change, 25-30 May, Chania, Crete, Greece, Abstract 7, p.25. (listed as a confirmed speaker on conference website)
  11. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Time-lagged high-resolution typhoon ensemble forecasts for Taiwan by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS). The AMS 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 31 March-4 April, San Diego, California, USA, 15A.7, 40. (NSC-100-2119-M-003-005-MY5, NSC-102-2625-M-003-002, NSC-102- 2119-M-003-003)
  12. Lo, S.-H., C.-T. Chen, and Wang, C.-C., 2014: How the different analyses forcing fields affect the tropical cyclone simulation? The AMS 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 31 March-4 April, San Diego, California, USA, 15A.6, 40. (NSC-100-2119-M-003-005-MY5)
  13. Wang, C.-C., 2013: High-resolution typhoon virtual ensemble forecasts for Taiwan by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS): The 2012 season. Fifth WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-V), 28 October-1 November, Macao and Hong Kong, China, 7. (NSC-102-2119-M-003-003)
  14. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2013: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 October, Taipei, Taiwan, AM09. (NSC-102-2625-M-003-002)
  15. Chen, K.-Y., and C.-C. Wang, 2013: The influence of resolution on typhoon QPFs in Taiwan. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 October, Taipei, Taiwan, AM07. (NSC-102-2625-M-003-002)
  16. Chen, Y.-H., H.-C. Kuo, C.-C. Wang, and Y.-Y. Lin, 2013: Effects of asymmetric latent heating on Taiwan typhoon post-landfall motion. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 October, Taipei, Taiwan, AM11. (NSC-102-2119-M-003-003)

名稱 開始日期 結束日期 委託單位 編號 參與身份別
台灣地區豪大雨預報實驗計畫第二階段 (I-III)-台灣極端降水事件之中尺度過程與可預報度研究 (I-III)(3/3)(總計畫及子計畫一) 2023/08/01 2024/07/31 國科會 NSTC 112-2111-M-003-005 - 主持人
梅雨季降雨特性變異與災害、水資源衝擊研究,利用氣象先進技術強化多尺度定量降雨預警技術-台灣梅雨季豪大雨之機制、可預報度、及預報改進應用研究(II) 2023/08/01 2024/07/31 國科會 NSTC 112-2625-M-003-001 - 主持人
梅雨季降雨特性變異與災害、水資源衝擊研究,利用氣象先進技術強化 多尺度定量降雨預警技術-台灣梅雨季豪大雨之機制、可預報度、及預報改進應用研究(總計畫及子計畫一)(I) 2022/08/01 2023/10/31 國科會 NSTC 111-2625-M-003-001 - 主持人
台灣地區豪大雨預報實驗計畫第二階段 (I-III)-台灣極端降水事件之中尺度過程與可預報度研究 (I-III)(2/3)(總計畫及子計畫一) 2022/08/01 2023/10/31 國科會 MOST 111-2111-M-003-005 - 主持人
台灣地區豪大雨預報實驗計畫第二階段 (I-III)-台灣極端降水事件之 中尺度過程與可預報度研究 (I-III)(1/3)(總計畫及子計畫一) 2021/08/01 2022/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 110-2111-M-003-004 - 主持人
準滯留性降水系統之可預報度與預報技術改進研究-台灣準滯留性豪大 雨降水系統之形成機制與可預報度研究(總計畫及子計畫一)(III) 2021/08/01 2022/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 110-2625-M-003-001 - 主持人
運用剖風儀分析雷暴發展之條件 2021/02/19 2021/10/15 其他政府部門 0 主持人
台灣地區豪大雨預報實驗計畫 (I-III)-總計畫暨子計畫:台灣極端降 水事件之尺度交互作用與可預報度研究 (I-III) 2020/08/01 2021/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 108-2111-M-003 -005 -MY2 總主持人
台灣準滯留性豪大 雨降水系統之形成機制與可預報度研究(總計畫及子計畫一)(II) 2020/08/01 2021/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 109-2625-M-003-001 - 主持人
總計畫暨子計畫:台灣準滯留性豪大雨降水系統之形成機制與可預報度研究(I) 2019/08/01 2020/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST-108-2625-M-003-001- 總主持人
台灣地區豪大雨預報實驗計畫 (I-III)-總計畫暨子計畫:台灣極端降 水事件之尺度交互作用與可預報度研究 (I-III) 2019/08/01 2020/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 108-2111-M-003 -005 -MY2 總主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之建立與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CReSS-NHOES高解析大氣海洋偶合模式之建置與梅雨防災應用(III) 2018/08/01 2019/10/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 107-2625-M-003-001 - 總主持人
台灣地區極端天氣事件之中尺度過程與尺度交互作用(I-III)(3/3) 2018/08/01 2019/10/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 105-2111-M-003 -003 -MY3 主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之建立與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CReSS-NHOES高解析大氣海洋偶合模式之建置與梅雨防災應用(II) 2017/08/01 2018/10/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST-106-2625-M-003-001- 主持人
台灣地區極端天氣事件之中尺度過程與尺度交互作用(I-III) 2017/08/01 2018/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST-105-2111-M-003-003-MY3 主持人
台灣地區極端天氣事件之中尺度過程與尺度交互作用(I-III)(1/3) 2016/08/01 2017/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 105-2111-M-003 -003 -MY3 主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之建立與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CR eSS-NHOES高解析大氣海洋偶合模式之建置與梅雨防災應用 (I) 2016/08/01 2017/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 105-2625-M-003-001 - 總主持人
台灣地區劇烈降水天氣之整合研究-台灣地形對豪大雨個案影響之數值模擬與分析研究(2/3,3/3) 2015/08/01 2016/10/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 103-2119-M-003-001-MY2 主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之發展與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CReSS模式之梅雨季豪 (大) 雨定量降水預報應用研究 2015/08/01 2016/10/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 103-2625-M-003-001-MY2 主持人
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (Consortium for Climate Change Study)-子計畫三:人為溫室氣體排放與暖化作用對極端天氣系統變化影響的偵測與歸因(5/5) 2015/08/01 2016/07/31 NSC100-2119-M-003-005-MY5 協同/共同主持人
台灣地區劇烈降水天氣之整合研究-台灣地形對豪大雨個案影響之數值模擬與分析研究(2/3,3/3) 2014/08/01 2015/07/31 科技部(原國科會) MOST 103-2119-M-003-001-MY2 主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之發展與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CR eSS模式之梅雨季豪 (大) 雨定量降水預報應用研究 2014/08/01 2015/07/31 MOST 103-2625-M-003 -001 -MY2 主持人
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (Consortium for Climate Change Study)-子計畫三:人為溫室氣體排放與暖化作用對極端天氣系統變化影響的偵測與歸因(4/5) 2014/08/01 2015/07/31 NSC100-2119-M-003-005-MY5 協同/共同主持人
台灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之發展與改進-總計畫暨子計畫:CR eSS模式之梅雨季豪 (大) 雨定量降水預報應用研究(I) 2013/08/01 2014/07/31 國科會 NSC 102-2625-M-003-002 總主持人
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (Consortium for Climate Change Study)-子計畫三:人為溫室氣體排放與暖化作用對極端天氣系統變化影響的偵測與歸因(3/5) 2013/08/01 2014/07/31 國科會 NSC100-2119-M-003-005-MY5 協同/共同主持人
台灣地區劇烈降水天氣之整合研究-台灣地形對豪大雨個案影響之數值模擬與分析研究 2013/08/01 2014/10/31 科技部(原國科會) NSC 102-2119-M-003-003- 主持人
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (Consortium for Climate Change Study)-子計畫三:人為溫室氣體排放與暖化作用對極端天氣系統變化影響的偵測與歸因(2/5) 2012/08/01 2013/07/31 國科會 NSC100-2119-M-003-005-MY5 協同/共同主持人
台灣天氣研究計畫/第四階段:西南氣流觀測與豪雨預報實驗暨後續研究-台灣地區西南氣流與劇烈天氣/極端降雨個案之高解析度模擬研究 2012/08/01 2013/07/31 科技部(原國科會) NSC 99-2111-M-003-004-MY3 主持人
易受災地區之梅雨季定量降雨預報技術之建立與改進--子計畫:CReSS 模式在台灣地區颱風/梅雨極端降雨事件預報能力之評估研究(III) 2012/08/01 2013/07/31 科技部(原國科會) NSC 101-2625-M-003 -001 - 主持人
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (Consortium for Climate Change Study)-子計畫三:人為溫室氣體排放與暖化作用對極端天氣系統變化影響的偵測與歸因(1/5) 2011/08/01 2012/07/31 國科會 NSC100-2119-M-003-005-MY5 協同/共同主持人
易受災地區之梅雨季定量降雨預報技術之建立與改進-CReSS模式在台灣地區颱風/梅雨極端降雨事件預報能力之評估研究 (二) 2011/08/01 2012/07/31 國科會 NSC100-2625-M-003-002 主持人
台灣天氣研究計畫/第四階段:西南氣流觀測與豪雨預報實驗暨後續研究-台灣地區西南氣流與劇烈天氣/極端降雨個案之高解析度模擬研究(2/3) 2011/08/01 2012/07/31 國科會 NSC99-2111-M-003-004-MY3 主持人
西南氣流豪雨觀測及預報實驗計畫之格點資料重分析 2011/03/08 2011/12/31 其他政府部門 MOTC-CWB-100-M-07 主持人
台灣天氣研究計畫/第四階段:西南氣流觀測與豪雨預報實驗暨後續研究-台灣地區西南氣流與劇烈天氣/極端降雨個案之高解析度模擬研究(1/3) 2010/08/01 2011/07/31 國科會 NSC99-2111-M-003-004-MY3 主持人
易受災地區之梅雨季定量降雨預報技術之建立與改進-CReSS模式在台灣地區颱風/梅雨極端降雨事件預報能力之評估研究 (一) 2010/08/01 2011/07/31 國科會 NSC99-2625-M-003-003 主持人
梅雨季及颱風期間之流域集水區定量降雨預報技術改進(3/3) 2010/04/01 2010/12/31 其他政府部門 MOEAWRA0990096 協同/共同主持人
2009年兩岸合作共同研究議題:豪雨 (暴雨) 與颱風研究-梅雨期中尺度對流系統的機理分析及可預報性研究 2009/10/01 2012/09/30 國科會 NSC98-2745-M-002-007-MY3 協同/共同主持人
台灣天氣研究計畫/第三階段:西南氣流觀測與豪雨預報實驗暨後續研究-中尺度模式在台灣梅雨季降雨預報之比較與評估研究(2/2) 2009/08/01 2010/07/31 國科會 NSC97-2111-M-003-005-MY2 主持人
物件導向豪(大)雨與定量降水預報校驗法之發展與應用 (三) 2009/08/01 2010/07/31 國科會 NSC98-2625-M-003-002 主持人
梅雨季及颱風期間之流域集水區定量降雨預報技術改進(2/3) 2009/03/01 2009/12/31 其他政府部門 MOEAWRA0980072 協同/共同主持人
物件導向豪(大)雨與定量降水預報校驗法之發展與應用 (二) 2008/08/01 2009/07/31 國科會 NSC97-2625-M-003-004 主持人
梅雨季及颱風期間之流域集水區定量降雨預報技術改進(1/3) 2008/08/01 2008/12/31 其他政府部門 MOEAWRA0970050 協同/共同主持人
台灣天氣研究計畫/第三階段:西南氣流觀測與豪雨預報實驗暨後續研究-中尺度模式在台灣梅雨季降雨預報之比較與評估研究(1/2) 2008/08/01 2009/07/31 國科會 NSC97-2111-M-003-005-MY2 主持人
台灣梅雨季豪(大)雨預報技術之發展與整合-子計畫:物件導向豪(大)雨與定量降水預報校驗法之發展與應用(I) 2007/08/01 2008/12/31 國科會 NSC96-2625-Z-034-002, NSC96-2625-Z- 003-003 主持人
台灣梅雨季中尺度現象與伴隨之過程研究 (二) 2007/08/01 2008/10/31 國科會 NSC96-2111-M-002-011 協同/共同主持人
台灣與東亞地區暖季定量降水預報日夜變化特性之評估研究 (二) 2006/08/01 2007/09/30 國科會 NSC95-2625-Z-034-001 主持人
台灣梅雨季中尺度現象與伴隨之過程研究 (一) 2006/08/01 2007/10/31 國科會 NSC95-2111-M-002-016 協同/共同主持人
華南與台灣地區梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (三) 2005/08/01 2006/10/31 國科會 NSC94-2111-M-002-015 協同/共同主持人
發展並建立梅雨季豪大雨預報技術(0-36小時)-子計畫:台灣與東亞地區暖季定量降水預報日夜變化特性之評估研究(I) 2005/08/01 2006/09/30 國科會 NSC94-2625-Z-034-002 主持人
華南與台灣地區梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (二) 2004/08/01 2005/07/31 國科會 NSC93-2111-M-002-009 協同/共同主持人
華南與台灣地區梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (一) 2003/08/01 2004/07/31 國科會 NSC92-2111-M-002-017 協同/共同主持人
台灣梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (三) 2002/08/01 2003/07/31 國科會 NSC91-2111-M-002-030 協同/共同主持人
台灣梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (二) 2001/08/01 2002/07/31 國科會 NSC90-2111-M-002-010 協同/共同主持人
台灣梅雨季之中尺度過程研究 (一) 2000/08/01 2001/07/30 國科會 NSC89-2119-M-002-017 協同/共同主持人
中部地區空氣污染總量管制技術資料建立與應用。子計劃:中部地區氣象密集觀測實驗計劃 1999/11/01 2000/12/31 其他政府部門 EPA-89-FA11-03-231 協同/共同主持人
南高屏空氣污染污染總量管制規劃 (現場觀測組)。子計劃:南高屏地區氣象密集觀測實驗計劃 1999/09/01 2000/12/31 其他政府部門 EPA-89-FA11-03-100-A1 協同/共同主持人